Budget Preparation Helper (for Panchayaths) is a tool by KILA Designed Panchayath Help Desk. This tool help Panchayaths in Kerala to Prepare the skeleton on Budget and improve it by revision.
The tool is enhanced with the printing option with single sheet. and further we can print only the relevant area using Print Short Budget.
This tool can be downloaded and used for free.
Comment on any mistake in this tool and you can get it repaired and updated.

To Download
Budget Preparation Helper for Panchayaths 2020-21
To be Finalized
See Also
Letter to Allied Institutions for Budget Prepartion
This is a model letter to Allied Institutions for the Non Plan Proposal for Budget Preparation. The letter should be send along with A1, A2 sheets of Budget Preparation Helper.
Use PDF Merger to Merge Different Documents (Like Cover Pages, Budget Speech, Gender Budget, Performance Budget, Budget Statement, Budget Schedules and Back Cover) to Form a Single File and Give Page Number
To Download the Tool PDF Merger Click Here
See Also
Budget Sheet Data from Saankhya Reports 2020-21
Budget Sheet Data from Saankhya Reports is an attempt to Collect all the Data for Budget Preparation from Saankhya Reports. for Correctness the data of projects should be collected from Project to Budget Mapping Helper.
Budget Sheet Data from Saankhya Reports is an attempt to Collect all the Data for Budget Preparation from Saankhya Reports. for Correctness the data of projects should be collected from Project to Budget Mapping Helper.
Project to Budget Mapping Helper 2020-21 (ForPanchayaths)
Project Preparation to Budget Mapping Helper for Panchayaths 2020-21
Project Preparation Helper 2020-21
Project Preparation Helper is a tool to help the Project Preparation Process
in Connection with Decentralized peoples planning
through Panchayaths in Kerala.
Here we can add projects
correct validation
print project reports
check wardwise allocation
check sectorwise allocation
print various committe resolutions etc.
The Project List can be easily copied to PROJECT HELPER
Project Preparation Helper is a tool to help the Project Preparation Process
in Connection with Decentralized peoples planning
through Panchayaths in Kerala.
Here we can add projects
correct validation
print project reports
check wardwise allocation
check sectorwise allocation
print various committe resolutions etc.
The Project List can be easily copied to PROJECT HELPER
Budget - Helping Note
Budget- Helping Note
by Sri. T.K.Sunil Kumar &
Sri. Jomon Mathew
It is a very useful book for Accountants in Panchayaths of Kerala.
In this tutorial we can find each and every procedures, steps, dos, and don'ts.
It tells us how to form a budget and how to modify it or revise it.
Budget- Helping Note
by Sri. T.K.Sunil Kumar &
Sri. Jomon Mathew
It is a very useful book for Accountants in Panchayaths of Kerala.
In this tutorial we can find each and every procedures, steps, dos, and don'ts.
It tells us how to form a budget and how to modify it or revise it.
by Sri. T.K.Sunil Kumar &
Sri. Jomon Mathew
It is a very useful book for Accountants in Panchayaths of Kerala.
In this tutorial we can find each and every procedures, steps, dos, and don'ts.
It tells us how to form a budget and how to modify it or revise it.