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 Integrated Local Governance Management System is a complete system reengineering process in Panchayath Department of Kerala. This post contains various tools in connection with ILGMS

ILGMS Bank Book Simplifier

 ILGMS Bank Book Simplifier helps us to get the  Bank Book Report from ILGMS Finance Module in a more handy format

ILGMS Payment Heads Ready Reckoner


ILGMS Payment Heads Ready Reckoner is an easy tool which helps us to find out the minor functions in which a desired payment head can be used.  This will be very  helpful for the accountants of Panchayaths in Kerala where they use Integrated Local Governance Management System for their administrative actions. 

ILGMS Financial Reports to Excel Convertor

 ILGMS Financial Reports to Excel Convertor helps us to convert ILGMS Financial reports to handy excel formats. These are very useful for comparative studies, presenting before Finance Standing Committee, Preparation of Budget, AFS etc.

ILGMS Local Settings format

 Panchayath Department in Kerala is moving towards a revolution in technology. IKM has developed an intelligent platform for Local Governance. ILGMS the Integrated Local Governance Management System will be a solution for most of the problems faced by the local self governing bodies of kerala. This software is enhanced by the Global Master Team consisting of Staff from Panchayaths all over Kerala. They have set the main attributes of This platform. But to work with this software each panchayath should arrange it to become their own atmosphere. For  this process they have to do local settings. It is a tedious task to customise the software through Local Settings.

Panchayath Help Desk shares this tool to help panchayaths for completing Local Settings more easily.

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