These tools are useful for Panchayaths and Municipalities in Kerala for their works in connection with preparing AFS (Annual Finance Statements).
Saankhya Sahayi - Helping Note
by Sri. T.K.Sunil Kumar &
Sri. Jomon Mathew
It is a very useful book for Accountants in Panchayaths of Kerala.
In this tutorial we can find each and every procedures, steps, dos, and don'ts.
This should be studied and kept for reference.
Ledger Register Comparison Manager
Ledger Register Comparison Manager helps us to compare receipt details in Saankhya and Licene & PT Manager or other register making tools. It will be a great help to prepare registers in connection wth Annual Finance Statement. It also helps us to prepare necessary register for Audit purpose. This tool compares the key fields of accounting viz. Date, Voucher Number and Amount of Receipt. It gives us the List of Matching Receipts, Discrepancy Report and List of UnMapped Receipts. It provides an easy way to synchronize both data.
Licence & PT Manager
Licence & PT Manager is a powerful tool to deal with D&O Licence, Dog Licence and other Licences and the Professional Tax Details of Panchayaths in Keala. It provides space for data entry of applications and details of documents submitted with it. It gives Certificate, DCB Report and overall This tool provides you Data for Next Year
(Versions for 1,000 Entries and 2,000 Entries are avilable)
Staff PT Register Maker
Accounts Verification Helper
Property tax Provision Calculator 2021-22
Property tax Provision Calculator is a simple tool to Calculate the value of Provision for Doubtful Receivables of Property Tax. It helps to calculate the amount to be written off from the arrears of Property Tax. The Amount for Provision is derived from the Arrears Demand Register exported from Sanchaya Web Site.
Property tax Provision Calculator is a simple tool to Calculate the value of Provision for Doubtful Receivables of Property Tax. It helps to calculate the amount to be written off from the arrears of Property Tax. The Amount for Provision is derived from the Arrears Demand Register exported from Sanchaya Web Site.
Depreciation Calculation Helper 2021-22 (FOR Panchayath Accounts) (Saankhya)
Depreciation Calculation Helper 2021-22 for Municial Accounts
E-Payment Bank Reconciliation Manager
E-Payment Bank Reconciliation Manager is an easy tool developed by Panchayath Help Desk for the calculation of Property Tax paid On Line. This tool is very helpful for Accountants and Property Tax Section Clerks of Panchayats in Kerala. This provides the amount to be receipted datewise or monthwise. This tools maps various reports on web payment viz. ePayment Receipts Headvise Report, Receipt Report, IKM PG - Transaction Details IKM PG - Disbursement Details etc. It provides an easy way to find out the bank realization of each transaction.
Bank Reconciliation Helper
Bank Reconciliation Helper is a tool which helps Accountants in Panchayaths and Municipalities to prepare reconciliation of data from Bank and entries made in Saankhya Software. This tool helps us to coordinate the data from Bank and Saankhya.
AFS Registers List Maker
AFS Registers List Maker is a simple tool to make a list of registers to be prepared before submitting Annual Financial Statement. This list can be subdivided to each sections.Accounting Registers List Maker
This tool is used to find out the total amount of each heads of accounts in Saankhya. This tool uses Balance Sheet, Income and Expenditure & Receipt and Payment Schedules from Saankhya. This helps Accountants and sections clerks to make registers of each head. This tool is used in combination with Saankhya Ledger with Wardwise and Headwise Report to Register which is used to make registers of each head using saankhya ledger and other reports. This tool will be very helpful for the accountants and section clerks of Panchayaths and Municipalities in Kerala.
Grant Statement Maker
Grant Statement Maker helps us to formulate the Grant Statement in an easy way. Grant Statement is required to be submitted with Annual Financial Statement for each year. It can be easily formulated from Saankhya Reports. We need to copy Balance Sheets, Receipt and Payment and Income and Expenditure Schedules to this tool to get the data for Grant Statement .
Advance Register from Saankhya Ledger with Headwise Report
Advance Register from Saankhya Ledger with Headwise Report is an easy tool to convert Ledger Reports of any Head powered with Headwise Reports. This process is very useful for section clerks and accountants in Panchyaths of Kerala. Heads like Festival Advance, Advance to Others, Advance to Implementing Officers etc. can easily be converted into Registers
Deposit Register from Saankhya Ledger with Headwise Report
Deposit Register from Saankhya Ledger with Headwise Report is an easy tool to convert Ledger Reports of any Head powered with Headwise Reports. This process is very useful for section clerks and accountants in Panchyaths of Kerala. Heads like EMD, Security Deposit etc. can easily be converted into Registers
Saankhya Bank Book Simplifier (Modified)
Saankhya Bank Book Simplifier is a simple tool to convert Saankhya Bank Book in a user friendly version. It can be easily taken print out. And we can search items using Auto Filter. We can copy payment voucher details to Bill Register Maker Tools. The tool includes a Vouchers List. It can be used for the reconciliation process. This will be very helpful if prior period vouchers are found not realized in Banks after a long period. This tool will be very helpful for the accountants of Panchayats in Kerala.
Saankhya Year Beginning Process Helper
Saankhya Year Beginning Process Helper is a very good tool for Accountants of Panchayaths in Kerala. It will help to calculate and co-ordinate various Journals in Connectin with Saankhya Year Beginning Process.
During the Year Beginning Process We Should convert current receivables values to arrears, advances to current and main thing is to create the Accruals which are the essentials for an Accrual Based Double Entry Accounting System such as Saankhya.
hope, this tool will be very easy to use. and any difficulties or suggestions for advancement are invited.
DCB Statement Maker
This tool helps us to formulate the Demand Collection Balance Statement for the Given Period. The DCB Statement is often asked to submit before Audit team or Higher Authorities. This tool uses Reports from Saankhya such as Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Statement. This will be very helpful for the Panchayats in Kerala.
E Bill Vouchers Modifier
This tool helps us to get a list of E-Bill Vouchers from Local Saankhya. We can sort, print, copy paste the report. This will be very helpful for plan clerks and accountants of Panchayaths in Kerala.
Bill Register Maker

Bill Register Maker is tool which helps Accountants in Panchayaths of Kerala to handle various bills for payment and make bill register. It helps them to get data for Saankhya Payment Vouchers. It is very useful to keep the details of cheque issued and balance in hand. This tool will be very helpful for searching a particular payment throughout the year.It Also provides an easy way for Reconciliation the Treasury and Bank Accounts
Joint Venture Funds Verifier
BIMS Receipt Simplifier
BIMS Bank Pass Book Simplifier
Saankhya Sanchaya Data Comparison and Mapping Tools
Saankhya Sanchaya Data Comparison & Mapping Helper Tools are designed to Compare the data of Property Tax Demand and Collection. This will help to Record the Accrual Data. It also helps to find out if there is any difference between the collection details in Saankhya and Sanchaya. And the Final Result is the two Softwares Saankhya and Sanchaya may have identical datas, or we can eliminate the differences.
Saankhya Ledger with Wardwise and Headwise Report to Register
Capital Works in Progress to Assets Calculation Helper
In this circumstances at the year ending we should check the ledger of Capital Work in Progress and find whether the work is done in complete or not.
Capital Works Fund Distributor
Capital Works Fund Distributor is a tool to calculate the Amount Spend for Development Capital Works in Decentralized Plan of Panchayaths in Kerala. This Calculation is very important in submitting Annual Financial Statements. The calculation uses Ledgers of All Heads that is included in RP-7, RP-40 and RP-47 Schedules of Receipt and Payment Report of Panchayaths. This tool helps us to calculate how much amount is spend for capital works from each funds Dev-Gen, Dev-SCP, MG-NR etc.
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